Leader As Coach ( 18 hours Coach Training Program )
Skills set that every leader should possess in such disruptive environment
Why Leaders should join this course :
- In such current disruptive environment, leaders should possess various skills sets in managing and leading his team members
- In what we so-call V.U.C.A. environment currently, leaders face with different challenges which are more complex than before, and unpredicted changes
- In facing those challenges and uncertainty, leadership quality has shifted from dominance such as telling and directing to more on asking, listening and team exploration
- Coaching approach plays a critical role in interacting with team members, and leaders are required to have the coaching competencies
ICF data have shown leaders who consistently coach their team will result in better productivity and be able to provide more positive environment
Benefits of the program :
- Possess comprehensive skills & knowledge on coaching and use it as one of leadership approaches in leading team
- Understands the difference between coaching, mentoring, consulting and counselling as different approaches
- Understand active listening instead of selective listening and use it effectively in leading team
- Understand what is effective and powerful questioning and use the skill to explore and unlock the team potentials without leading and being judgmental