Coaching : Mengelola transference dan countertransference
International Coaching Federation ( ICF ) mendefinisikan coaching sebagai hubungan kemitraan dengan klien dalam sebuah proses kreatif dan memprovokasi pikiran…
Our coaches, trainers, and facilitators are people who come from different industries, with so many years of professional expertise and they bring all their expertise during classroom training delivery.
Resonant Coaching Associates focuses on people development through face to face coaching, training and facilitation that will bring the organization to face competitive environment as well as a new level of sustainable productivity.
Phase I :
June : 11 & 12 | 16 | 23 & 24 | 30
July : 01 | 07 & 08 | 14 & 15 | 21
July : 22-23
Phase II :
August : 01 | 06 -07 | 21 & 22
August : 15 & 16 [ FULL DAY ONSITE * ]
Group Supervision :
August : 29
Phase III :
Group Mentoring :
August : 25-26 | 28
1on1 Mentoring :
18 August – 18 November
June : 11 & 12 | 16 | 23 & 24 | 30
July : 01 | 07 & 08 | 14 & 15 | 21
July : 22 – 23
April : 14 & 15 | 21 -22 | 29
May : 23 & 24 [ FULL DAY ONSITE ]
Group Supervision
May : 19
International Coaching Federation ( ICF ) mendefinisikan coaching sebagai hubungan kemitraan dengan klien dalam sebuah proses kreatif dan memprovokasi pikiran…
Saya barusan selesai melakukan sesi team coaching dengan salah satu tim di sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang cukup terkenal. Para leaders…
Awalnya saya ragu mengikuti kelas coaching secara online. Menurut saya belajar praktek coaching akan efektif secara tatap muka karena kita dapat menyelami perasaan dan gesture coachee. Ternyata anggapan saya salah, pembelajaran coaching secara online bisa efektif bilamana kita fokus mengikuti. Saya pun sudah mempraktekan coaching secara online dan coachee mendapatkan AHA moment. New normal for coaching 🙏
I just realised that my understanding of coaching has been wrong. Coaching session is not something to avoid, or scary moment. In fact, every individual needs coaching to unlock their greatest potential. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who have misperceptions about the coaching paradigm. Coach Rudy has an international quality in delivering coaching material. Step by step coaching is taught in very detail and smooth, so the coachee will find many factors in their self that they might not aware of. If you want to be successful coach, RCA is the place to learn. I am a proud of CRC. Thank you Coach Rudy! You are great 😍
Coaching skill is one of the must have skills for leaders. Through coaching, you can unleash your team potentials which will lead to improve their performance. I joined 60 hours RCA coaching program and I loved the program! I learned the knowledge and I had lots of practice sessions to build the skills. The program was designed in such a way that motivate the participants to network and learn from each other.
Rudy is a very good coach who role modelling coaching skills throughout the program, he create safe environments for participants to learn and practice the skills. I highly recommend RCA Coaching program for those who want to learn and build coaching skills!
Belajar untuk menjadi seorang coach membutuhkan kombinasi antara hal yang fundamental dan kesempatan untuk berlatih yang didukung oleh umpan balik yang konstruktif. Kedua hal mendasar tersebut saya dapatkan melalui 60 hours coaching certificafion bersama dengan Resonant Coaching Associate. Terima kasih RCA untuk proses pelatihan yang luar biasa.
Sebagai praktisi yang lebih banyak melakukan proses coaching di internal perusahaan, saya mendapatkan pembelajaran yang luar biasa melalui program ini, dengan teknik-teknik coahing yang sangat menarik untuk bisa diterapkan sebagai professional Coach. RCA juga menerapkan dan menjaga standar yang bagus, meskipun saat program dilakukan secara online. Bravo!